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Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

Can I cancel an order after it has been shipped?
No, you cannot cancel an order after it has been shipped.   However, if it is absolutely necessary to cancel the order you can ask your customer to not accept the order at the time when it is delivered.   The order will be automatically cancelled and no cancellation fee will apply.   Although, this order will not be counted in your bonus plan.

Will I be charged if I cancel an order?
No, you will not be charged if you cancel an order.   It is absolutely free of cost and there will be no cancellation charges.   However, the cancelled order will not be counted in your bonus plan.

How do I cancel an order?
You cancel your order with the help of "CANCEL" button.  
  1. Go to 'Orders'
  2. Select the order that you want to cancel
  3. Click on 'Cancel'
  4. Select your reason for cancelling the order (you can add additional comments if you want)
  5. Click on 'CANCEL PRODUCT'
Your order will be cancelled successfully.   Note that, if the order is already shipped, we won't be able to cancel the order.   In such a case, please ask your customer not to accept the order when the delivery person gets it to their place.   The order will get automatically cancelled and no cancellation fee will apply.You cancel your order with the help of "CANCEL" button.  
  1. Go to 'Orders'
  2. Select the order that you want to cancel
  3. Click on 'Cancel'
  4. Select your reason for cancelling the order (you can add additional comments if you want)
  5. Click on 'CANCEL PRODUCT'
Your order will be cancelled successfully.   Note that, if the order is already shipped, we won't be able to cancel the order.   In such a case, please ask your customer not to accept the order when the delivery person gets it to their place.   The order will get automatically cancelled and no cancellation fee will apply.
